Why Burial Cradle℠?

Results from a survey of mothers experiencing the death of a baby, as early as the 10th week of gestation, proved that most mothers preferred burial over all forms of disposition. Some states now require that all births under 24 weeks gestation be buried or cremated. Therefore, fewer hospitals are offering to “care for” these little ones for liability reasons.

It was for these reasons, in part, that the BURIAL CRADLE℠ Baby Casket was developed. Burial cradles are unique because they are proportionally sized for the “little ones” and may be used as a casket and vault combination.


Est. 1986

The BURIAL CRADLE℠ Baby Caskets and CREMATION CRADLES are products of Bay Memorials and founder Thomas Zerbel, a funeral director who has been dedicated to serving those who have lost an infant. Tom has lectured across the United States on neonatal death and has assisted in the formation of bereavement groups specifically centered around the loss of an infant.


Pregnancy & Infant Loss Center
"Even for the smallest, miscarried baby, BURIAL CRADLES provide the option of having a funeral director care for the “little ones” and provide a respectful, inexpensive final disposition."
Resolve Through Sharing
"Equally appropriate for rites in a funeral home, church, or at the graveside, with all the important needs of the caregiver and parents in mind."
Missouri Funeral Director
"Offering these caskets to funeral homes at a reasonable price makes it possible to provide these to our families without charge."